We understand that sometimes schedules change; therefore, we request at least 24 hours notice when canceling or rescheduling your appointment. You may cancel and reschedule appointments by calling our salon or texting us.
Please note that appointments made within 24 hours may be canceled or modified at least 4 hours before the appointment time to avoid a $25 charge.
You will be charged 100% of the service if you are a No-Show to your appointment.
Please note that if you are over 15 minutes late for your appointment, we will not be able to use hot tools or may have to reschedule your service. If we do not hear from you 15 or more minutes into your scheduled appointment time, it is considered a “No-Show” and your card will be charged for 100% of the service.
At Calla, we will do everything we can to accommodate appointment changes and cancellations. Cancellations are accepted via voice mail and or text message. Please get in touch with us at your earliest convenience to modify or cancel your appointment.
Thank you for booking your service. We look forward to seeing you!